1. Telemonitoring applications in cardiology 2. Data and signals for the assessment of the cardiovascular system 3. Systems, sensors, and devices in personal healthcare applications 4. Signal processing for cardiovascular applications in p-health 5. Models for risk assessment and stratification 6. Connected health technologies for knowledge extraction and knowledge-based medicine in cardiac care 7. Increasing and standardizing quality of care using computerized guidelines for clinical decision support 8. Digital coaching for personalized healthcare of cardiovascular diseases 9. Methods for app development in p-health 10. Devices for p-health: Which regulations in Europe? 11. Remote management of heart failure patients: A p-health example
Anna Maria Bianchi is a Full Professor in Biomedical Engineering, with teaching responsibility in Biomedical Signal Processing and Medical Informatics, in BS, MS, and PhD Bioengineering programs. Her research interests are mainly related to the processing of biomedical signals and images and to the development of innovative methodologies for feature extraction, information enhancement, and model development. Applications are both in physiological studies and in clinics through design of interpretative and diagnostic models. In recent years, applications have been in the field of medical informatics and artificial intelligence. Prof. Bianchi is the scientific coordinator of the Medical Informatics Lab at DEIB and is a member of the management committee of two interdepartmental labs at Politecnico di Milano (i.e., the BrainLab@Polimi and PHEEL). She has authored 20 book chapters and more than 110 peer-reviewed papers in ISI international journals. She has been a fellow of EAMBES (European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering and Science) since 2012. Dr. Bianchi serves as a scientific expert in the EMBS Technical Committee on Neuroengineering and the Technical Committee on Cardiopulmonary Systems. She is Associate Editor of 'IEEE Transactions on Neural System and Rehabilitation Engineering' and a member of the editorial board of the 'Journal of Biomedical Signals Processing and Control' and of 'Electronics-Open Access Journal'. She has participated in many EU-funded (from VI framework program to H2020) and Italian-funded research projects with scientific responsibility and has active collaborations with companies operating in the field of biomedical instrumentation and systems.
Jorge Henriques is an Associate Professor, with teaching responsibility in Informatics Engineering and Biomedical Engineering in BS, MS, and PhD programs. His main research interests are computational intelligence methodologies with application to modeling, prediction, diagnosis, and decision making, in particular in the clinical context. He has been particularly active in the development of innovative solutions in p-health scenarios, with particular application to situations in preventive medicine and chronic diseases management, namely in the research and implementation of advanced algorithms for biosignals' analysis and processing (in particular, electrocardiogram, photoplethysmogram, heart sounds, and blood pressure). He is a senior researcher in the Adaptive Computation Group at the Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC). His publications include seven book chapters and over 200 papers in refereed international journals and conferences. He is a reviewer for many biomedical engineering journals and has been involved in numerous program committees of major international conferences. He has coordinated and participated in several projects at national and international levels (European FP6, FP7, and H2020). He is a licensed professional engineer, was the executive coordinator of the Informatics Laboratory of Instituto Pedro Nunes, and has provided consulting services to various companies and national institutions in the clinical informatics and e-health areas.
Vicente Traver Salcedo has a bachelor's degree (1998) and a PhD (2004) in Telecommunications Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de València. He is a member of the academic board for the interuniversity master's degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València. He is also the coordinator of the 'Healthy Living' cluster, which combines six different R&D university groups working in the field. Since 1998, his research focus has been on telemedicine, e-health, and e-inclusion, especially on the provision of home healthcare services through telematic media and the concepts of patient empowerment and the citizen as a health co-producer. He has participated in more than 50 EU-funded projects (from IV framework program to H2020) and Spanish-funded projects, and has taken part in multiple research agreements with companies in healthcare and social services that make use of information communication technologies. He has published more than 120 technical papers in national and international journals and has participated in several seminars and conferences as invited speaker. He is a member of international scientific congresses committees and a member of the editorial board of 'IET Networks'. He was the keynote lecturer at BIOSTEC 2010. He was the chairman and organizer of pHealth 2008 and the four editions of the International Workshop on Technology for Healthcare and Healthy Lifestyle (2008, 2010, 2011, 2012). He was conference co-chair of IEEE Biomedical Health Informatics 2014. He is cofounder of two SME IT health-related companies, currently employing more than 40 people. A full list of his publications is available at goo.gl/Wg2JZR.