Foreword by John J. Gumperz. Preface. Gatekeeping in Counseling: Processes of Social Selection in Face-to-Face Interaction: An Interview. The Interview as a Social Occasion. A Social and Cultural Ecology of Communication, Empathy, and Rapport. Conclusion. Social Identity and the Organization of Discourse in the Interviews: Basic Concepts. Discourse Organization as Definition of Situation. Through the Looking Glass: The Selective Revelation of Social Identity within the Encounter. The Encounter in Relation to the World Outside It. Research Methods and Procedures: An Overview: Some Principles for the Procedures. Converting Information from the Audiovisual Record into Data. Aspects of Social Organization in Communicative Performance: The Social Organization of Communicative Action. Social Steering at the Level of the Discourse Topic. Social Steering within and across Utterances--The Role of Rhythm in Conversational Cooperation. Discussion. Cultural Organization and Its Effects on the Social Organization of Performance: Cultural Organization in Communication. Cultural Difference and Interactional Rhythm. Cultural Difference and Conversational Cooperation during Explanations. Conclusions. Contrasts in Ways of Asking Questions and Telling Advice: Turning Point I--Discussion of Grades and Courses. Turning Point II--Discussion of the Student's Future Goals Turning Point I--Advice about the Student's Future Goal. Conclusion. Overall Patterns and Summary Evidence: Overview of the Variables. Results. Some Implications for Practice and for Research: Review of Findings and Interpretations. The Interview as a Partially Bounded Encounter. Social Ecology and the Politics of Communicative Knowledge. Implications for Counseling Practice. Some Options for Institutional Change. Options for Counselor Education. Implications for Research in Interactional Sociolinguistics. Appendix A: Scoring Comemberhip Levels for the Interviews: Step I. Determining the Comembership Salience Profile for Each Counselor. Step II. Determing the Comembership Score for Each Interview. Appendix B: Equipment and Its Use in Filming and Recording. Appendix C: Examples of Summary Tables and Corresponding Examples of Transcripts. Appendix D: Descriptions of "Uncomfortable Moments" and "Asymmetry Segments" Coding and Procedures. References. Subject Index.