A superb volume. This is a book to read and enjoy for all those interested in monetary and financial issues in Kenya and the Eastern African region. The book has exemplary implications for other emerging economies.
Patrick Njoroge is Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya. He holds a PhD in Economics from Yale. He has held numerous positions including: Planning Officer in the Ministry of Planning in Kenya; Economist at the Ministry of Finance. At the IMF in Washington, DC, he was in turn: Senior Economist, IMF Mission Chief for Dominica, Deputy Division Chief, Finance Department, and Advisor to the Deputy Managing Director of the IMF. He has won several awards
as a Central Bank Governor. He was named the 2018 Central Banker of the Year in Africa by the Banker Magazine in recognition of his prudence and long-term vision for Kenya's economy and the banking sector. In October 2018, he received the Global Markets Central Banker Governor of the Year award for Africa, and in May
2016, he was recognized as the Central Bank Governor of the year at the African Banker Award ceremony held in Lusaka, Zambia. In 2018 he was appointed on the UN Task Force on Digital Financing of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Victor Murinde is AXA Professor of Global Finance and Director of the Research Centre for Global Finance at SOAS, London. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. He has contributed over 100 research papers to the financial economics literature. In 2014, the UK REF recognized his research on 'Shaping Bank Regulatory Reforms in Africa' for exceptional impact. He is the Principal Investigator of a DFID-ESRC Research Grant on 'Inclusive Finance'. He is co-investigator on
ESRC - NSFC Grant on Research on China's Financial System towards Sustainable Growth, jointly with colleagues from several universities. His other current roles include: Chair, Econometric Society Africa Region Standing Committee; Chair of Group C (Finance & Resource Mobilization) for the African Economic Research
Consortium (AERC); and Visiting Professor of Financial Economics, University of Nairobi. He was the founding Director of the African Development Institute, at the African Development Bank (2011-2014).