ISBN-13: 9781466480391 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 114 str.
Is your child between the ages of new and six? Here is a down-to-earth, practical guide to help parents and caregivers ensure children's readiness for kindergarten. Written by a kindergarten teacher and parent, this award-winning book, has tips, explanations, short-cuts and fun. It includes ideas that use resources already available at home or in child care centers and strategies to incorporate learning time into busy, active days. An easy-to-use developmental checklist and rating scale, guidance for the this-year-or-next-year debate, and suggestions for home-school transition make this a birth-to-kindergarten resource. "Mrs. A, I love your book. What a fantastic resource " K. P. "You are an incredible teacher, I have watched you with awe and will strive to be even a fraction of the leader and mentor that you have been to your students. As a parent I appreciate all you have done for my daughter; as an aspiring teacher I look at you as a role model." (from Jarrah's mom)