Volume 9, Number 3, 2002. A.C. King, A. Atienza, C. Castro, R. Collins, Physiological Responses to Family Caregiving in the Natural Setting in Wives Versus Daughters. C. Lee, J.R. Powers, Social Roles, Health, and Well-Being in Three Generations of Australian Women. D.E. Anderson, M.A. Chesney, Gender-Specific Association of Perceived Stress and Inhibited Breathing Pattern. G. Burell, B. Granlund, Women's Hearts Need Special Treatment. D. Uno, B.N. Uchino, T.W. Smith, Relationship Quality Moderates the Effect of Social Support Given by Close Friends on Cardiovascular Reactivity in Women. G.D. Mishra, K. Ball, A.J. Dobson, J.E. Byles, P. Warner-Smith, Which Aspects of Socioeconomic Status Are Related to Health in Middle-Aged and Older Women. K. Nykvist, A. Kjellberg, C. Bildt, Causal Explanations for Common Somatic Symptoms Among Women and Men.