Kinanthropometry X: Proceedings of the 10th International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry Conference, Held in Conjunction
ISBN: 9780415596305 / Angielski / Miękka / 264 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book provides an up-to-date review of research and scientific knowledge in the field of kinanthropometry. This subject area is defined as the relationship between human structure and function and is exemplified in studies of growth and development, ergonomics, nutrition, human performance and health, among other applications. This edited collection includes the latest findings in kinanthropometric research and topics include body composition, athlete morphology and performance prediction, 3-dimensional analysis, body sizing, sexual dimorphism, virtual anthropometry, somatotype, bone...
This book provides an up-to-date review of research and scientific knowledge in the field of kinanthropometry. This subject area is defined as the rel...
230,81 zł |
Advances in the investigation of protein adsorption
ISBN: 9783639252163 / Angielski / Miękka / 176 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
312,73 zł |
Introducing Biological Energetics: How Energy and Information Control the Living World
ISBN: 9780199593712 / Angielski / Twarda / 352 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Introducing Biological Energetics is a novel, interdisciplinary text that presents biological understanding in terms of general underlying principles, treating energy as the overarching theme and emphasizing the all-pervading influence of energy transformation in every process, both living and non-living. Key processes and concepts are explained in turn, culminating in a description of the overall functioning and regulation of a living cell. The book rounds off the story of life with a brief account of the endosymbiotic origins of eukaryotic cells, the development of multicellularity, and the...
Introducing Biological Energetics is a novel, interdisciplinary text that presents biological understanding in terms of general underlying principles,...
652,49 zł |
Etude de l''action Bioprotectrice Des Sucres
ISBN: 9786131500794 / Francuski / Miękka / 212 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. La comprehension de la plus grande stabilisation des molecules biologiques par un disaccharide tel que le trehalose par rapport a d'autres excipients fait l'objet de recherches accrues. Nous avons etudie l'influence du trehalose et de deux autres stereoisomeres, le maltose et le sucrose, sur la structure et sur la dynamique de l'eau et d'une proteine globulaire modele, le lysozyme. Nous avons montre que le trehalose induit une plus grande destructuration du reseau de liaisons hydrogene (LHs) de l'eau que le maltose et le sucrose, au-dela d'une concentration de 40-50 %, a laquelle le reseau de...
La comprehension de la plus grande stabilisation des molecules biologiques par un disaccharide tel que le trehalose par rapport a d'autres excipients ...
317,33 zł |
Des Micro-Gouttes Pour Remplacer Les Souris?
ISBN: 9786131502637 / Francuski / Miękka / 184 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Aujourd'hui la recherche en biologie dispose d'une masse d'informations gA(c)nomiques considA(c)rable qu'il faut comprendre fonctionnellement pour faire A(c)merger de nouveaux concepts, qui formeront le berceau de nouvelles thA(c)rapies. Ces A(c)tudes mettent en jeu des mA(c)canismes contrAlA(c)s A l'A(c)chelle molA(c)culaire et nA(c)cessitent le traitement d'informations A haut-dA(c)bit et de maniA]re parallA]le. Les travaux pluridisciplinaires prA(c)sentA(c)s ont permis de mettre au point une technologie miniaturisA(c)e de culture de cellules en gouttes matricA(c)es sur supports solides,...
Aujourd'hui la recherche en biologie dispose d'une masse d'informations gA(c)nomiques considA(c)rable qu'il faut comprendre fonctionnellement pour fai...
271,34 zł |
Partenariat Mol�culaire de la Nucl�oprot�ine Du Virus de la Rougeole
ISBN: 9786131504112 / Francuski / Miękka / 80 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Le virus de la rougeole possede un genome a ARN simple brin, non segmente, encapside par la nucleoproteine au sein d'une nucleocapside helicoidale qui sert de matrice pour la transcription et la replication. La nucleoproteine possede un domaine C-terminal(NTAIL)desordonne, a savoir depourvu de structure secondaire et tertiaire stable en conditions physiologiques et en l'absence de partenaires. L'exposition de NTAIL a la surface de la nucleocapside lui permet d'etablir des interactions dynamiques avec plusieurs partenaires viraux et cellulaires. Nous avons etudie les interactions entre NTAIL...
Le virus de la rougeole possede un genome a ARN simple brin, non segmente, encapside par la nucleoproteine au sein d'une nucleocapside helicoidale qui...
133,37 zł |
Mod�lisation Biom�canique Du Thorax Lors d'Un Choc Automobile
ISBN: 9786131506383 / Francuski / Miękka / 188 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Afin d''amA(c)liorer le rA(c)alisme d''un modA]le mathA(c)matique destinA(c) A simuler le comportement au choc du thorax humain, l''objectif de ce travail A(c)tait de caractA(c)riser expA(c)rimentalement le comportement cinA(c)matique des articulations costo-vertA(c)brales lorsque la cage thoracique dans son ensemble est soumise A des compressions au niveau du sternum. Des essais de compression quasi-statique ont A(c)tA(c) rA(c)alisA(c)s sur cages thoraciques A(c)viscA(c)rA(c)es de sujets d''anatomie. L''axe de rotation des cAtes 3, 5 et 7 par rapport aux vertA]bres thoraciques auxquelles...
Afin d''amA(c)liorer le rA(c)alisme d''un modA]le mathA(c)matique destinA(c) A simuler le comportement au choc du thorax humain, l''objectif de ce tra...
271,34 zł |
Caracterisation de la Peau Par Microspectroscopies Vibrationnelles
ISBN: 9786131503788 / Francuski / Miękka / 256 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. De par son accessibilitA(c) et la grande diversitA(c) des lA(c)sions cutanA(c)es, la peau reprA(c)sente un domaine d''investigation particuliA]rement intA(c)ressant. Les spectroscopies vibrationnelles sont des techniques non-destructives qui permettent d''accA(c)der A des informations d''ordre molA(c)culaire et structural de l''A(c)chantillon A(c)tudiA(c). Les A(c)tudes spectrales peuvent Aatre menA(c)es A diverses A(c)chelles. En effet, nous avons montrA(c) le potentiel des spectroscopies infrarouge et Raman pour le diagnostic diffA(c)rentiel mA(c)lanome (lA(c)sion maligne)/naevus (lA(c)sion...
De par son accessibilitA(c) et la grande diversitA(c) des lA(c)sions cutanA(c)es, la peau reprA(c)sente un domaine d''investigation particuliA]rement ...
363,32 zł |
Mecanisme Optimal de Recherche de Cible Des Proteines Sur L'Adn
ISBN: 9786131508660 / Francuski / Miękka / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Comment certaines proteines sont-elles capables de trouver tres rapidement sur des ADNs pouvant contenir plusieurs milliers de paires de bases une cible specifique de quelques paires de base? Cette "diffusion facilitee" necessite une association de la proteine a l'ADN, suivie d'un deplacement jusqu'au site de reconnaissance: la proteine glisse-t-elle long de l'ADN ? Ou effectue-t-elle des sauts? L'utilisation de la microscopie de fluorescence pour visualiser l'interaction d'une unique proteine (l'enzyme de restriction EcoRV) avec une molecule d'ADN a permis d'elucider les mecanismes qui...
Comment certaines proteines sont-elles capables de trouver tres rapidement sur des ADNs pouvant contenir plusieurs milliers de paires de bases une cib...
225,35 zł |
Electromagnetism and Life
ISBN: 9780981854908 / Angielski / Miękka / 216 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The environment is now thoroughly polluted by man-made sources of electromagnetic radiation with frequencies and magnitudes never before present. Man's activities have probably changed the earth's electromagnetic background to a greater degree than they have changed any other natural physical attribute of the earth. The evidence now indicates that the present abnormal electromagnetic environment constitutes a significant health risk. There are also positive aspects of the relationship between electromagnetism and life. Clinical uses of electromagnetic energy are increasing and promise to...
The environment is now thoroughly polluted by man-made sources of electromagnetic radiation with frequencies and magnitudes never before present. Man'...
91,92 zł |
Syst�me Biomim�tique d''interm�diaires de Transport Tubulaires
ISBN: 9786131512674 / Francuski / Miękka / 280 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Les tubes de membrane sont omniprA(c)sents dans les cellules vivantes eucaryotes. Ce sont des structures trA]s dynamiques qui permettent en particulier la communication entre les diffA(c)rents compartiments membranaires de la cellule. Pour comprendre les mA(c)canismes impliquA(c)s dans le trafic intracellulaire, il paraA(R)t essentiel d''isoler le rAle des diffA(c)rents constituants impliquA(c)s. Dans ce but, j''ai utilisA(c) un systA]me minimal qui permet de mimer in vitro les diffA(c)rentes A(c)tapes d''extraction, de croissance et d''arrAat de nanotubes de membrane avec des A(c)lA(c)ments...
Les tubes de membrane sont omniprA(c)sents dans les cellules vivantes eucaryotes. Ce sont des structures trA]s dynamiques qui permettent en particulie...
363,32 zł |
Spectral sensitivity of the circadian system
ISBN: 9783639233506 / Angielski / Miękka / 132 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The discovery of a novel photoreceptor in the retina that participates in circadian phototransduction (how the retina converts light signals into neural signals) has opened up a new area of investigation. It is still not known whether human circadian phototransduction uses mechanisms similar to color vision, i.e., opponent mechanisms at a post-receptoral level. The primary goal of the study reporter here was to answer the question: does the circadian system respond to light in an additive manner, or is a spectral opponent mechanism also involved? A secondary goal of this work was to...
The discovery of a novel photoreceptor in the retina that participates in circadian phototransduction (how the retina converts light signals into neur...
271,34 zł |
Bioinformatic analysis of Beta barrel porins
ISBN: 9783639244502 / Angielski / Miękka / 76 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Outer membrane beta-stranded porins form a diverse and complex set of proteins which allow passage of molecules across the membrane interface have been analyzed here from a biophysical and structural perspective using atomic temperature factors or B-factors. Structures of six porins (four 16 stranded beta barrel porins and two 8 stranded beta barrel porins) were taken from the PDB for the analysis based on resolution (better than 3.0 A) and R-factor (
Outer membrane beta-stranded porins form a diverse and complex set of proteins which allow passage of molecules across the membrane interface have bee...
225,35 zł |
Introducing Biological Energetics: How Energy and Information Control the Living World
ISBN: 9780199575930 / Angielski / Miękka / 334 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Introducing Biological Energetics is a novel, interdisciplinary text that presents biological understanding in terms of general underlying principles, treating energy as the overarching theme and emphasizing the all-pervading influence of energy transformation in every process, both living and non-living. Key processes and concepts are explained in turn, culminating in a description of the overall functioning and regulation of a living cell. The book rounds off the story of life with a brief account of the endosymbiotic origins of eukaryotic cells, the development of multicellularity, and the...
Introducing Biological Energetics is a novel, interdisciplinary text that presents biological understanding in terms of general underlying principles,...
294,60 zł |
Mod�lisation Des Instabilit�s Du Cortex d''actine
ISBN: 9786131511370 / Francuski / Miękka / 236 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Le cortex cellulaire est une fine couche d''actine d''une A(c)paisseur de l''ordre du micron, attachA(c) A la membrane lipidique de la cellule. Il est constituA(c) d''un rA(c)seau de filaments d''actine dans lequel des moteurs molA(c)culaires, les myosines, gA(c)nA]rent des contraintes interne. Le cortex contrAle ainsi les variations de forme de la cellule. Nous dA(c)crivons ici le gel d''actine A l''A(c)chelle mA(c)soscopique comme un matA(c)riau viscoA(c)lastique soumis A des contraintes actives. Nous A(c)tudions de quelle faAon l''A(c)paisseur du cortex peut Aatre rA(c)gulA(c)e, et nous...
Le cortex cellulaire est une fine couche d''actine d''une A(c)paisseur de l''ordre du micron, attachA(c) A la membrane lipidique de la cellule. Il est...
317,33 zł |
Energy Landscapes of Protein Folding: From Structure to Function
ISBN: 9783838111087 / Angielski / Miękka / 196 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Proteins are the vital molecules in living cells and important targets for pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications. To function, they need a defined three dimensional structure. All the information necessary for a protein to achieve this conformation is encoded in its amino acid sequence. To understand the process by which a polypeptide chain folds into its three-dimensional structure (the so-called "protein folding reaction") is an essential element in structural biology. This work mainly focusses on the structural and functional characterization of partially folded intermediate...
Proteins are the vital molecules in living cells and important targets for pharmaceutical and biotechnological applications. To function, they need a ...
367,46 zł |
Thermal Fluctuations of Biomolecules
ISBN: 9783838111452 / Angielski / Miękka / 188 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The understanding of biomolecular dynamics is a topic of primary interest in contemporary science, as the dynamics forms the basis of the individual function of proteins and peptides. The dynamical behavior of biomolecules covers time ranges from pico- to milli-seconds, and beyond. The natural environment of biomolecules, i.e. aqueous solution, is a source of permanent, dynamical perturbations. In the present work, the time evolution of biomolecules is examined with respect to the thermally driven fluctuations. Molecular dynamics simulation allows the dynamics of polypeptide chains to be...
The understanding of biomolecular dynamics is a topic of primary interest in contemporary science, as the dynamics forms the basis of the individual f...
367,46 zł |
Functional Significance of Na, K- And H, K-Atpase -Subunits
ISBN: 9783838113494 / Angielski / Miękka / 120 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Na, K-ATPase and gastric H, K-ATPase are primary active transporters that belong to the superfamily of P-type ATPases. These membrane proteins utilize the energy released by the hydrolysis of ATP to transport their cationic substrates against electrochemical gradients. Despite more than 50 years of extensive research on P-type ATPases, the molecular details of their ion transport mechanisms are not fully understood. Especially for oligomeric P-type ATPases, such as Na, K- and H, K-ATPases, which require an accessory -subunit for their transport activity, many open questions remain, since only...
Na, K-ATPase and gastric H, K-ATPase are primary active transporters that belong to the superfamily of P-type ATPases. These membrane proteins utilize...
247,88 zł |
Fabrication and Characterization of Extracellular Matrix Nanofibrils
ISBN: 9783838114194 / Angielski / Miękka / 128 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A new method to create regular arrays of Fibronectin (Fn) nanofibrils was developed. This method allows the control of nanofibril directionality and diameter and can also be used to produce nanofibrils from other ECM proteins, such as Laminin (LM) and Collagen (COL). The biofunctionality of different ECM nanofibrillar arrays was demonstrated by specific cell adhesion after nanofibril transfer onto non-fouling polyethyleneglycol(PEG) hydrogels. An investigation of both the molecular structure and the mechanical properties of Fn nanofibrils was performed by Forster Resonance Energy Transfer...
A new method to create regular arrays of Fibronectin (Fn) nanofibrils was developed. This method allows the control of nanofibril directionality and d...
321,47 zł |
Nonlinear Microrheology of Living Cells
ISBN: 9783838116075 / Angielski / Miękka / 140 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The nonlinear mechanical properties of cells in response to large forces as they arise under physiological conditions are not well understood. In this work, a magnetic tweezers setup optimized for large forces was developed. Forces of more than 100 nN can be applied, which has not been achieved previously with a setup of this type. The time- and force-dependent nonlinear material properties of various cell types were examined using this setup. The creep response always followed a power law, as in the linear case. With increasing force, stress stiffening and shear fluidization were observed....
The nonlinear mechanical properties of cells in response to large forces as they arise under physiological conditions are not well understood. In this...
321,47 zł |