Despite its physical comforts, Jennie's life under the critical eye of her tyrannical mother is hard, and she grows up desperate for a love she has been denied. As she blossoms into a young woman World War II breaks out. Life is turned upside down by the vagaries of war, and the charming, urbane Charles comes into her life - and he loves her ... doesn't he? ... On the other side of the scarred mountain, in the wake of a disaster that tears through his family and their tight-knit mining community, Harry finds the burden of manhood abruptly thrust upon his young shoulders. He bears it through...
Despite its physical comforts, Jennie's life under the critical eye of her tyrannical mother is hard, and she grows up desperate for a love she has be...
(Part of the "Works of Ministry" Series) "You don't need to hear a call; you're already called." (Keith Green) Many are called. We are called to be fruitful. Some are called in a spectacular way. Some are called in an ordinary way. Some are called through their own desires. Some are called through quiet convictions. All are called divinely, by God. This book examines in detail the concept that God's calling falls on a large number of people, rather than the few one sees at the front of the church. Dag Heward-Mills received his own calling many years ago, and he listened. He changed the...
(Part of the "Works of Ministry" Series) "You don't need to hear a call; you're already called." (Keith Green) Many are called. We are called to be fr...
Julie McGowan has been a successful short story writer for magazines and competitions for two decades, in between writing four novels, pantomime scripts, songs and scripts for adult and children's drama productions, and features for national and regional newspapers and magazines. "Close To You" is an anthology of some of the short stories Julie McGowan has had published over the years, some of which have won awards in competitions. We at Sunpenny Publishing are proud to have released Julie's first three novels, The Mountains Between, Just One More Summer, and Don't Pass Me By - excerpts of...
Julie McGowan has been a successful short story writer for magazines and competitions for two decades, in between writing four novels, pantomime scrip...