The Prophetic Ordinance Blessing contains over 2,000 consecrated prophetic blessings of God that you can release through utterances and pronouncements over yourself, your spouse, your children and your entire generation. I encourage you to use this powerful Daily Devotional and see what God will do for you and your loved ones victoriously. Prayer It's the prophetic ordinance blessing. Almighty LORD want you to experience Him and His Son through His Divine Destiny Helpers: Holy Spirit, Faith, Person, Time and Location. (1Kg17: 1-24). As you build your relationship with God, you may be tested....
The Prophetic Ordinance Blessing contains over 2,000 consecrated prophetic blessings of God that you can release through utterances and pronouncements...
Der Heilige Geist produziert Gebet fur uns, weil Er wei, was in den Gedanken Gottes ist. Durch die Schrift hindurch, wenn Gott redete, war es schopferisch und immer offenbarte es etwas uber Ihn selbst, Seine Absichten, oder Seine Wege. Wahrend wir uns schnell Seinem nachsten Kommen nahern, glaube ich, dass der HERR Seinen Plan, Seinen Ort, Seine Versorgung, und Seine Absicht fur unsere Leben offenbaren will. Aber damit wir dort hin kommen, mussen wir mit Ihm durch energisches Gebet als Partner kooperieren. Gema der Apostelgeschichte: "wir aber werden uns selbst kontinuierlich dem Gebet und...
Der Heilige Geist produziert Gebet fur uns, weil Er wei, was in den Gedanken Gottes ist. Durch die Schrift hindurch, wenn Gott redete, war es schopfer...
Don't Blame Women is about man and woman, but also about humanity and God's purpose for creating them. Re-discovering the first woman impeached, this book will expose the fundamental strategies, satan uses against his Creator, in order to exit mankind from their rightful place of dominion. MATTHEW DARE O'DUNLAMI, Founder of Jesus in the House Ministries (JITH Ministries) was a professional investment banker, with an MBA in finance with over 30 years experience. He also worked as a former Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, before the call of the Lord came for him to be in Ministry....
Don't Blame Women is about man and woman, but also about humanity and God's purpose for creating them. Re-discovering the first woman impeached, this ...
UNDERSTANDING YOUR ANCESTRY WILL CHANGE YOUR GENERATION The Firstborn Syndrome will reveal the secret behind the mysterious antediluvian syndrome that has paralyzed human race since the Creations. Enemy violently waging war against humanity and everything the LORD made first. Understanding our ancestry can momentously transform our lives and generations. The First things that were created both physical and spiritual will require the second to be perfected. He takes away the first that He may establish the Second. (Hebrews10: 9b). The ancient mystery that revealed the hidden truth of First...
UNDERSTANDING YOUR ANCESTRY WILL CHANGE YOUR GENERATION The Firstborn Syndrome will reveal the secret behind the mysterious antediluvian syndrome that...