The megahit Attack on Titan anime is back, with Season Three announced for 2018 In this post-apocalytpic sci-fi story, humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from or why they are bent on consuming mankind. Seemingly unintelligent, they have roamed the world for years, killing everyone they see. For the past century, what's left of man has hidden in a giant, three-walled city. People believe their 50-meter-high walls will protect them from the Titans, but the sudden appearance of an immense...
The megahit Attack on Titan anime is back, with Season Three announced for 2018 In this post-apocalytpic sci-fi story, humanity has...
TITAN ON THE HUNT On the way to Eren's home, deep in Titan territory, the Survey Corps ranks are broken by a charge led by a female Titan But this Abnormal is different - she kills not to eat but to protect herself, and she seems to be looking for someone. Armin comes to a shocking conclusion: She's a human in a Titan's body, just like Eren
TITAN ON THE HUNT On the way to Eren's home, deep in Titan territory, the Survey Corps ranks are broken by a charge led by a female Titan But thi...