The Universal Story Life has a way of catching us off guard, turning our world upside down or even shattering it in a second. We react ony to find ourselves in the same "old pit" again. Now what? Waking Up Discover your hidden strategies and reveal your (W)holeness. A different WAY You are the expert All you need is the Wisdom Map. An invitation Read this and experience surprising relief and potent aliveness.
Alaya Chadwick is able to put hands and feet on extremely complex concepts in a way which connects them to the living reality of everyday life...An...
The Universal Story Life has a way of catching us off guard, turning our world upside down or even shattering it in a second. We react ony to find ...
Alaya has the unique creative capacity to teach using the hands and feet of our ordinary human experience to understand and come closer to secrets of the universe. "Martha Harrell, M.S.N., Ph.D., Licensed Training Jungian Psychoanalyst, Biodynamic Cranio-sacral Therapist, and contributing author in Transforming Terror: Reclaiming the World Soul"
Alaya's Fables takes us into the world of make-believe to discover how problems are solved from the heart. "Meredith Young-Sowers, D.Div., Founder & Director, Stillpoint Foundation and School of Integrative Life Healing, Author: of The Angelic...
Alaya has the unique creative capacity to teach using the hands and feet of our ordinary human experience to understand and come closer to secrets ...