An oversized, lavishly illustrated storybook featuring original watercolor art by legendary filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki This is the original Princess Mononoke story, created by Hayao Miyazaki in 1980 while he was first conceptualizing the landmark animated film that would be released to universal acclaim seventeen years later. As an initial version of the tale, it offers a new and different perspective from the final version presented in the film. After a long, exhausting war, a samurai lost in a forest encounters a giant wildcat--a mononoke. The beast saves his life, but at the price of...
An oversized, lavishly illustrated storybook featuring original watercolor art by legendary filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki This is the original Prince...
The first of a pair of memoirs in collection form, featuring essays, interviews, and even a brief comic on the history of airline food, from the master animator. In the first two decades of his career, filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki laid the groundwork for his legendary movies. Starting Point is a collection of essays, interviews, and memoirs that go back to the roots of Miyazaki's childhood, the formulation of his theories of animation, and the founding of Studio Ghibli. Before directing such acclaimed films as Spirited Away, Miyazaki was just another salaried animator, but with a vision...
The first of a pair of memoirs in collection form, featuring essays, interviews, and even a brief comic on the history of airline food, from the maste...
The latest in the perennially popular line of Studio Ghibli artbooks, which include interviews, concept sketches, and finished animation cels from classics such as Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. Princess Mononoke was the first Hayao Miyazaki film to break out into the American mainstream. The journey from initial idea to the big screen is captured here, in the hundreds of images from preliminary sketches to dynamic animation cels.
The latest in the perennially popular line of Studio Ghibli artbooks, which include interviews, concept sketches, and finished animation cels from cla...
Enjoy the films of Studio Ghibli with scene-by-scene illustrations and character dialogue. Studio Ghibli picture books capture the magic of the legendary studio's animated films with easy-to-read text, full-color pictures direct from the film, and a family-friendly oversized hardcover format. From behind the walls of an iron-mining town called Tatara, Lady Eboshi is determined to be rid of all obstacles to development. Much to her aggravation, however, there's one person who has vowed to stop her--the princess of beasts and ancient gods, Princess Mononoke Includes scene-by-scene...
Enjoy the films of Studio Ghibli with scene-by-scene illustrations and character dialogue. Studio Ghibli picture books capture the magic of the le...