Set on a troubled Caribbean island where Asians, Africans, Americans and former British colonials co-exist, 'Guerrillas' is a novel of British colonialism and revolution."
Set on a troubled Caribbean island where Asians, Africans, Americans and former British colonials co-exist, 'Guerrillas' is a novel of British colonia...
Set in an imaginary African state against a backdrop of civil conflict, the theme of this novel is displacement and the heartache of living in someone else's land.
Set in an imaginary African state against a backdrop of civil conflict, the theme of this novel is displacement and the heartache of living in someone...
This novel traces the story of Ganesh, a 'ten a penny' masseur from Trinidad. From failed primary school teacher and masseur to author, revered mystic and MBE, his is a journey memorable for its hilarious and bewildering success.
This novel traces the story of Ganesh, a 'ten a penny' masseur from Trinidad. From failed primary school teacher and masseur to author, revered mystic...
Set in WWII, this is a depiction of a little corner of Port of Spain in Trinidad, seen through the eyes of a fatherless young boy. Teeming with idiosyncratic characters who live in and around Miguel Street, it evokes 'living theatre' through its detailed observations of these inhabitants, their exploits and their fruitless ambitions.
Set in WWII, this is a depiction of a little corner of Port of Spain in Trinidad, seen through the eyes of a fatherless young boy. Teeming with idiosy...
V.S. Naipaul's legendary command of broad comedy and acute social observation is on abundant display in these classic works of fiction - two novels and a collection of stories - that capture the rhythms of life in the Caribbean and England with impressive subtlety and humour.
V.S. Naipaul's legendary command of broad comedy and acute social observation is on abundant display in these classic works of fiction - two novels an...
Set in an imaginary African state against a backdrop of civil conflict, the theme of this novel is displacement and the heartache of living in someone else's land."
Set in an imaginary African state against a backdrop of civil conflict, the theme of this novel is displacement and the heartache of living in someone...