This document describes human factors challenges that need to be considered in the implementation of planned enhancements to the Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS), Common Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS), and the ARTS Color Display (ACD) in the Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) environment.
This document describes human factors challenges that need to be considered in the implementation of planned enhancements to the Standard Terminal Aut...
This is the new 2015 edition of the FAA's previous "Instrument Procedures Handbook" (previously the FAA-H-8083-16). This book covers all of the information needed to operate safely within the airspace system. In the FAA's "Instrument Procedures Handbook" (#FAA-H-8083-16A) the emphasis is placed on operations and procedural information for real-world use, which makes this the next logical step for pilots after learning basic instrument skills from the FAA's "Instrument Flying Handbook" (#FAA-H-8083-15B). Using this book, pilots can more directly apply the concepts to their current flying...
This is the new 2015 edition of the FAA's previous "Instrument Procedures Handbook" (previously the FAA-H-8083-16). This book covers all of the inform...