High adventure fills the lives of American and Dutch fighting men in the opening months of the Pacific War. Brave women share their dangers and their love while empires crumble. Exhilarated by savaging the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, The Japanese Navy moves quickly to seize the rich mineral resources of Malaya and the Dutch East Indies. Two U.S. Asiatic Fleet lieutenants join the unequal struggle on the sea and in the air. Frank Rhea flies a floatplane off the old cruiser, U.S.S. Marblehead: scouting, spotting fall of gunshot, and attacking submarines. Jack Sewell commands the...
High adventure fills the lives of American and Dutch fighting men in the opening months of the Pacific War. Brave women share their dangers and their ...
As communist forces close in on the isolated Marine outpost at Khe Sanh, the 1968 Tet Offensive explodes across Vietnam. Shot down in Hue City while scouting for bases to move the 1st Air Cavalry to break the siege, U.S. Navy Seabee Officer Kevin Corcoran takes shelter with South Vietnamese holdouts. Intense enemy fire drives off rescue helicopters, leaving Kevin and a wounded friend isolated in Vietcong territory. As battle rages around him, Kevin ponders the fate of his Vietnamese lover, Linh, whom he knows is on a Vietcong hit list. To ease his anguish, he reflects on his battalion's...
As communist forces close in on the isolated Marine outpost at Khe Sanh, the 1968 Tet Offensive explodes across Vietnam. Shot down in Hue City while s...