The earlier part of this book appeared in the form of five articles which came out in the "New Witness" at the crisis of the recent controversy in the Press on the subject of divorce. Crude and sketchy as they confessedly were, they had a certain rude plan of their own, which I find it very difficult to recast even in order to expand. I have therefore decided to reprint the original articles as they stood, save for a few introductory words; and then, at the risk of repetition, to add a few further chapters, explaining more fully any conceptions that may seem to have been too crudely assumed...
The earlier part of this book appeared in the form of five articles which came out in the "New Witness" at the crisis of the recent controversy in the...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, KC*SG (29 May 1874 - 14 June 1936), better known as G. K. Chesterton, was an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, lay theologian, biographer, and literary and art critic. Chesterton is often referred to as the "prince of paradox." Time magazine has observed of his writing style: "Whenever possible Chesterton made his points with popular sayings, proverbs, allegories-first carefully turning them inside out." Chesterton is well known for his fictional priest-detective Father Brown, and for his reasoned apologetics. Even some of those who...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, KC*SG (29 May 1874 - 14 June 1936), better known as G. K. Chesterton, was an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, j...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, KC*SG (29 May 1874 - 14 June 1936), better known as G. K. Chesterton, was an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, lay theologian, biographer, and literary and art critic. Chesterton is often referred to as the "prince of paradox." Time magazine has observed of his writing style: "Whenever possible Chesterton made his points with popular sayings, proverbs, allegories-first carefully turning them inside out." Chesterton is well known for his fictional priest-detective Father Brown, and for his reasoned apologetics. Even some of those who...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, KC*SG (29 May 1874 - 14 June 1936), better known as G. K. Chesterton, was an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, j...
El padre Brown es cura que se ve ejerciendo la profesion de detective (siempre de manera no profesional), cuando un escurridizo y famoso delincuente internacional le roba un bello objeto de plata y piedra preciosas. El cura le sigue y acompana sin violencia pero de manera cansina, un acoso que acaba por aburrir a cualquiera. Mientras tanto un detective de policia que sigue al famoso delincuente desde el otro lado del atlantico para intentar apresarlo, pero el ladron es un maestro del disfraz. Sera el padre Brown, con su mente avispada quien ayude a captura al famoso ladron. El personaje es un...
El padre Brown es cura que se ve ejerciendo la profesion de detective (siempre de manera no profesional), cuando un escurridizo y famoso delincuente i...
El personaje es un ser sin importancia, insignificante, con pinta de cura pueblerino y pudiera parecer que algo ignorante. Pero nada mas lejos de la verdad. Quiza el escritor pretende darnos a entender que no podemos menospreciar nada, ni a las personas que puedan parecernos insignificantes, ni los detalles mas nimios. Tambien evolucionan el delincuente y el policia, de tal manera que, a fuerza de convivir unos con otros, la linea que marca la diferencia entre el bien y el mal, no esta demasiado definida. El delincuente puede llegar a redimirse y ser el mejor aliado de la justicia y el...
El personaje es un ser sin importancia, insignificante, con pinta de cura pueblerino y pudiera parecer que algo ignorante. Pero nada mas lejos de la v...
Este es el sexto y ultimo libro de la serie de policiales del Padre Brown . Contiene tres cuentos: "El caso Donnington," "La vampiresa del pueblo" y "La mascara de Midas" (ultimo relato que escribiera Chesterton, muy pocos dias antes de morir). Por distintos motivos, que se explican en la "Introduccion" de este volumen, estos cuentos permanecieron mucho tiempo fuera de la serie del Padre Brown. A la muerte de su autor, fueron hallados y publicados en versiones especiales. Hoy tenemos la posibilidad de verlos reunidos en este volumen y de este modo seguir deleitandonos con tres nuevos casos...
Este es el sexto y ultimo libro de la serie de policiales del Padre Brown . Contiene tres cuentos: "El caso Donnington," "La vampiresa del pueblo" y "...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, KC*SG (29 May 1874 - 14 June 1936), better known as G. K. Chesterton, was an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, lay theologian, biographer, and literary and art critic. Chesterton is often referred to as the "prince of paradox." Time magazine has observed of his writing style: "Whenever possible Chesterton made his points with popular sayings, proverbs, allegories-first carefully turning them inside out." Chesterton is well known for his fictional priest-detective Father Brown, and for his reasoned apologetics. Even some of those who...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, KC*SG (29 May 1874 - 14 June 1936), better known as G. K. Chesterton, was an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, j...
Written at the defining moment when Ireland was heading toward complete national independence, Chesterton's study of the Irish question demonstrates that if both the English and the Irish had modified their attitudes slightly, subsequent Anglo-Irish relations could have been radically improved. Unlike most historians, he tackles the question from an ideological, philosophical, and religious standpoint. As a Roman Catholic and a lover of English nationalism, Chesterton shared many sentiments with the Irish. Written objectively and frankly, this is an important work for any student of...
Written at the defining moment when Ireland was heading toward complete national independence, Chesterton's study of the Irish question demonstrates t...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, KC*SG (29 May 1874 - 14 June 1936), better known as G. K. Chesterton, was an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, journalist, orator, lay theologian, biographer, and literary and art critic. Chesterton is often referred to as the "prince of paradox." Time magazine has observed of his writing style: "Whenever possible Chesterton made his points with popular sayings, proverbs, allegories-first carefully turning them inside out." Chesterton is well known for his fictional priest-detective Father Brown, and for his reasoned apologetics. Even some of those who...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, KC*SG (29 May 1874 - 14 June 1936), better known as G. K. Chesterton, was an English writer, poet, philosopher, dramatist, j...
El escandalo del Padre Brown es el ultimo de la serie de los casos policiales de este sacerdote catolico que, apartandose de los metodos deductivos tradicionales del genero, descubre las pistas necesarias a traves de su intuicion y el conocimiento del alma de los hombres. Su filosofia no hace mas que dibujar los pensamientos de su autor, anglosajon, pero fervoroso devoto de la Iglesia Catolica. Chesterton se convirtio al catolicismo por influencia del Padre John O'Connor, y fue precisamente en este sacerdote en quien se inspiro para crear al Padre Brown, por lejos su personaje mas conocido.
El escandalo del Padre Brown es el ultimo de la serie de los casos policiales de este sacerdote catolico que, apartandose de los metodos deductivos tr...