"An engrossing journalistic thriller."--Kirkus Reviews (starred review)"Thought-provoking thriller...Loaded with tension and full of unexpected twists and turns."--Jan Burke, bestselling author and Edgar Award winner for Bones"Extremely well-written tale of good vs. evil."--Huffington Post Half a century after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, someone is killing people on the streets of New York City and leaving behind a bizarre calling card of that tragic day in Dallas. In this bold and entertaining thriller from a...
"An engrossing journalistic thriller."--Kirkus Reviews (starred review)"Thought-provoking thriller...Loaded with tension and ful...
"Insightful and genuinely interesting characters, gritty atmospherics, and a wry sense of humor power the plot, which is filled with enough bombshell twists to keep readers guessing until the very last page." --Publishers Weekly"This excellent thriller....establishes Malloy as a formidable hard-boiled hero." --Booklist From the author of the "thought-provoking thriller" (Jan Burke) The Kennedy Connection comes a gripping mystery featuring crime-stopper and star Daily News reporter Gil Malloy who takes on his most explosive and exciting story...
"Insightful and genuinely interesting characters, gritty atmospherics, and a wry sense of humor power the plot, which is filled with enough bombshe...