Ce livre, ecrit dans un langage simple et facile a comprendre, par le scientifique-biologiste Vladimir Antonov couvre les questions essentielles: qu'est-ce que Dieu, le role de l'etre humain dans l'Evolution de la Conscience Universelle, principes de la formation et de la correction de la destinee, manieres d'atteindre la sante et le bonheur, les methodes les plus efficaces d'autoregulation psychique, au sujet du developpement et de la connaissance spirituelle de Dieu. Le livre inclut egalement des textes de plusieurs conferences de son auteur, qui peuvent repeter de differentes manieres les...
Ce livre, ecrit dans un langage simple et facile a comprendre, par le scientifique-biologiste Vladimir Antonov couvre les questions essentielles: qu'e...
These Parables were narrated so that everyone reading them may experience the presence of God and open oneself to the true life in Him - in His Beauty, Harmony, and Love
These Parables were narrated so that everyone reading them may experience the presence of God and open oneself to the true life in Him - in His Beauty...
Pythagoras is one of the Messiahs Who worked to provide spiritual help to incarnate people in the Mediterranean. His main service to humanity was not in His mathematical investigations, known to all high school students now, but in the fact that He had created the perfect spiritual School. The educational principles laid by Him as the base of teaching in this School should serve as a standard for all future human generations on the Earth.
Pythagoras is one of the Messiahs Who worked to provide spiritual help to incarnate people in the Mediterranean. His main service to humanity was not ...
These parables are written from the words of Lao Tse and relate how He learnt from Great Huang Di. The steps of the spiritual Path that permit to cognize Tao and Te are described here in parable style.
These parables are written from the words of Lao Tse and relate how He learnt from Great Huang Di. The steps of the spiritual Path that permit to cogn...
This collection contains autobiographical parables of one of the Divine Teachers, also known as Ngomo. These parables tell us about the best that existed in the history of the Russian Christian monasticism. Material collected in this book can be considered as one of the manuals of spiritual life for all who seek to become better before the Face of God.
This collection contains autobiographical parables of one of the Divine Teachers, also known as Ngomo. These parables tell us about the best that exis...
Divine Teachers Who lived in Atlantis continue to give Their Knowledge to people that inhabit the Earth today. They teach, among other things, about the principles of spiritual education, about the evolution of consciousness, and about the meaning of our lives as well as about its realization. This book will be interesting and useful to anyone seeking the spiritual Perfection.
Divine Teachers Who lived in Atlantis continue to give Their Knowledge to people that inhabit the Earth today. They teach, among other things, about t...
This book, compiled of bylinas - the Heroic tales in Slavic folklore tradition - is about how to live in the Truth, serve the Good and grow spiritually. Let the parents and teachers read this book to children, as well as children, parents, and all other people - to themselves.
This book, compiled of bylinas - the Heroic tales in Slavic folklore tradition - is about how to live in the Truth, serve the Good and grow spirituall...
En este libro se analizan -desde una perspectiva metodologica- las Ensenanzas que fueron impartidas por Jesus el Cristo durante Su Encarnacion terrenal. Estas Ensenanzas estan agrupadas de acuerdo a los temas mas importantes que fueron explicados por Jesus. Como bibliografia se uso el Nuevo Testamento y algunos Evangelios apocrifos. El libro esta dirigido a todas las personas."
En este libro se analizan -desde una perspectiva metodologica- las Ensenanzas que fueron impartidas por Jesus el Cristo durante Su Encarnacion terrena...
Este libro presenta una traduccion completa y competente del Evangelio escrito por el Apostol Felipe, un discipulo personal de Jesus el Cristo. La traduccion esta acompanada con comentarios explicativos. En Su Evangelio, Felipe puso enfasis en el aspecto metodologico del trabajo espiritual. El libro esta dirigido a todos aquellos que buscan la Perfeccion."
Este libro presenta una traduccion completa y competente del Evangelio escrito por el Apostol Felipe, un discipulo personal de Jesus el Cristo. La tra...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich Energiewissenschaften, Note: 1,3, Helmut-Schmidt-Universitat - Universitat der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Zunachst gilt es die allgemeine Entwicklung der japanischen Energieversorgung nieder zu legen. Wie hat sie sich entwickelt und welche Chancen, beziehungsweise welche Fehler, wurden gemacht? Untermauert wird dieses Bild von den vorhandenen Ressourcen im und um die Insel. Meinen Schwerpunkt mochte ich hierbei auf Ol und die Atomenergie legen, da diese beiden Formen der Energiegewinnung geschichtlich und aktuell besonders im...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich Energiewissenschaften, Note: 1,3, Helmut-Schmidt-Universitat - Universitat der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Spra...