IFIP TC3 Lifelong Learning Working Track This book is the result of the IFIP Lifelong Learning Working Track at eTrain, 7-11 July 2003, Pori, Finland organized by the Lifelong Learning Taskforce of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee 3 (TC3) on Education. Members of the TC3 Lifelong Learning Taskforce are: Mike Kendall, United Kingdom; Brian Samways, United Kingdom (Chair); Tom van Weert, The Netherlands; Jan Wibe, Norway. The members of the Taskforce constituted the IFIP Lifelong Working Track Programme Committee that invited the contributing...
IFIP TC3 Lifelong Learning Working Track This book is the result of the IFIP Lifelong Learning Working Track at eTrain, 7-11 July 2003, Pori, Finland ...
The development and integration of integrity and internal control mechanisms into information system infrastructures is a challenge for researchers, IT personnel and auditors. Since its beginning in 1997, the IICIS international working conference has focused on the following questions: what precisely do business managers need in order to have confidence in the integrity of their information systems and their data and what are the challenges IT industry is facing in ensuring this integrity; what are the status and directions of research and development in the area of integrity and internal...
The development and integration of integrity and internal control mechanisms into information system infrastructures is a challenge for researchers, I...
Security and privacy are paramount concerns in information processing systems, which are vital to business, government and military operations and, indeed, society itself. Meanwhile, the expansion of the Internet and its convergence with telecommunication networks are providing incredible connectivity, myriad applications and, of course, new threats.
Data and Applications Security XVII: Status and Prospects describes original research results, practical experiences and innovative ideas, all focused on maintaining security and privacy in information processing...
Security and privacy are paramount concerns in information processing systems, which are vital to business, government and military operations and,...
In 1984, Working Group 8.2 of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) threw down the gauntlet at its Manchester conference, challenging the traditionalist orthodoxy with its uncommon research approaches and topics. Manchester 1984, followed by research methods conferences in Copenhagen (1990) and Philadelphia (1997), marked the growing legitimacy of the linguistic and qualitative turns in Information Systems research and played a key role in making qualitative methods a respected part of IS research. As evidenced by the papers in this volume, Working Group 8.2...
In 1984, Working Group 8.2 of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) threw down the gauntlet at its Manchester conference, cha...
Even in the age of ubiquitous computing, the importance of the Internet will not change and we still need to solve conventional security issues. In addition, we need to deal with new issues such as security in the P2P environment, privacy issues in the use of smart cards, and RFID systems. Security and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Computing addresses these issues and more by exploring a wide scope of topics. The volume presents a selection of papers from the proceedings of the 20th IFIP International Information Security Conference held from May 30 to June 1,...
Even in the age of ubiquitous computing, the importance of the Internet will not change and we still need to solve conventional security issues. In ad...
2.1 E-Government: e-Governance and e-Democracy The term Electronic Government (e-Government), as an expression, was coined after the example of Electronic Commerce. In spite of being a relatively recent expression, e-Government designates a field of activity that has been with us for several decades and which has attained a high level of penetration in many countries2. What has been observed over the recent years is a shift on the broadness of the e-Government concept. The ideas inside e-Governance and e- Democracy are to some extent promising big changes in public administration. The demand...
2.1 E-Government: e-Governance and e-Democracy The term Electronic Government (e-Government), as an expression, was coined after the example of Electr...
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II, Volume 1 presents work from the IFIP TC 8 WG 8.9 International Conference on the Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIS 2007).
Enterprise information systems (EIS) have become increasingly popular over the last 15 years. EIS integrate and support business processes across functional boundaries in a supply chain environment. In recent years, more and more enterprises world-wide have adopted EIS such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for running their...
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II, Volume 1 presents work from the IFIP TC 8 WG 8.9 International Confere...
Enterprise information systems (EIS) have become increasingly popular over the last 15 years 1-2]. EIS integrate and support business processes across functional boundaries in a supply chain environment 3-5]. In recent years, more and more enterprises world-wide have adopted EIS such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for running their businesses. Previously, information systems such as CAD, CAM, MRPn and CRM were widely used for partial functional integration within a business organization. With global operation, global supply chain, and fierce competition in place, Acre is a need for...
Enterprise information systems (EIS) have become increasingly popular over the last 15 years 1-2]. EIS integrate and support business processes acros...
System Modeling and Optimization is an indispensable reference for anyone interested in the recent advances in these two disciplines. The book collects, for the first time, selected articles from the 21st and most recent IFIP TC 7 conference in Sophia Antipolis, France.
Applied mathematicians and computer scientists can attest to the ever-growing influence of these two subjects. The practical applications of system modeling and optimization can be seen in a number of fields: environmental science, transport and telecommunications, image analysis, free...
System Modeling and Optimization is an indispensable reference for anyone interested in the recent advances in these two disciplin...
Mobility is perhaps the most important market and technological trend within information and communication technology. With the advent of new mobile infrastructures providing higher bandwidth and constant connection to the network from virtually everywhere, the way people use information resources is predicted to be radically transformed. Over the last years, a new breed of information systems, referred to as mCommerce systems or mobile information systems, has appeared to address this emerging situation. In 2000, the IFIP 8.1 WG decided to look into establishing a task group to look closer...
Mobility is perhaps the most important market and technological trend within information and communication technology. With the advent of new mobile i...