Projective space immersions, bilinear maps and stable homotopy groups of spheres.- Multiple points of codimension one immersions.- h-cobordisms and twisted doubles.- Homotopy invariants of foliations.- On ends of groups and Johannson's deformation theorem.- Weaving patterns and polynomials.- Vector fields on (4q+2) - manifolds.- Simplices of maximal volume in hyperbolic space, Gromov's norm, and Gromov's proof of Mostow's rigidity theorem (following Thurston).- An invariant of plumbed homology spheres.- Some topology of Zariski surfaces.- A fibration for Diff?n.- On vanishing of the Rohlin invariant and nonfinitely amphicheiral homology 3-spheres.- Cobordism of maps with simplest singularities.- A spectral sequence convergent to equivariant K-theory.- An equivariant surgery sequence and equivariant diffeomorphism and homeomorphism classification (A survey).- Äquivariante konfigurationsräume und Abbildungsräume.- On equivariant homotopy theory.- Some formulae and conjectures associated with circle actions.- Equivariant K-theory and homotopy rigidity.- Homotopielineare Involutionen auf Sphären.- Group actions on hypertoral manifolds. I.- Graeme Segal's Burnside Ring Conjecture.- An algebraic proof of a theorem of J. Milnor.- Representations of Brown-Titler spectra.- Pseudo-isotopy and invariant theory, II: Rational algebraic K-theory of a space with finite fundamental group.- Secondary cohomology operations applied to the Thom class.- Splittings of loop spaces, torsion in homotopy, and double suspension. [after F. Cohen, J.C. Moore, and J. Neisendorfer; J. Neisendorfer; and P. Selick].- Characteristic classes of representations over imaginary quadratic fields.- Localization in algebraic L-theory.