Stochastic Aspects of Classical and Quantum Systems: Proceedings of the 2nd French-German Encounter in Mathematics and Physics, Held in Marseille, Fra » książka
L'Equation de Schrödinger quand h tend vers zero; une approche probabiliste.- Rearrangement Gaussien de fonctions.- Electrons of a solid in an external electric field.- An intrinsic approach to the evolution of quantum observables in terms of stochastic processes on phase space.- Diffusions and central limit theorems.- Random Schrödinger operators and the density of states.- Ergodic properties of the Lozi map.- Proprietes spectrales pour des hamiltoniens presque-periodiques.- A solvable almost periodic Schrödinger operator.- On the absence of breakdown of symmetry for the plane rotator model with long range unbounded random interaction.- Stratonovich solution of a quantum stochastic differential equation describing light emission and absorption.- Analytic expansion of Lyapunov exponents associated to the Schrödinger operator.- Reduction of non linear problems to Schrödinger or heat equations: Formation of kepler orbits, singular solutions for hydrodynamical equations.- Quantum mechanical low energy scattering in terms of diffusion processes.