In tackling the operatic history of Germany's haunted postwar years, Opera after the Zero Hour brings a fresh approach to the study of opera as an emblem of public life. With ethically nuanced attention to Germany's post-genocidal setting, Emily Pollock makes a powerful case for taking seriously long-neglected operatic works that speak to a vexed cultural history still relevant in the present.
Emily Richmond Pollock is a member of the faculty in the Music and Theater Arts Section of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She earned her PhD in music history and literature from the University of California, Berkeley in 2012. Her articles and reviews have appeared in the Journal of Musicology, Journal of the American Musicological Society, Opera Quarterly, and Notes. Her research has been supported by
the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Paul Sacher Stiftung, and the Class of 1947 at MIT.