2.5 Structural Characterization using X‐ray Diffraction
3 Electronic Properties of Heterostructures
3.1 Bulk Properties
3.2 Band Offsets
3.3 Electronic States in Low‐Dimensional Structures
4 Thermodynamics of Epitaxial Layer‐Growth
4.1 Phase Equilibria
4.2 Crystalline Growth
5 Atomistic Aspects of Epitaxial Layer‐Growth
5.1 Surface Structure
5.2 Kinetic Process Steps in Layer Growth
5.3 Self‐Organized Nanostructures
6 In situ Growth Monitoring
6.1 Surface Probes
6.2 Electron Diffraction Techniques
6.3 Optical Techniques
7 Application of Surfactants
7.1 Surfactant Effect
7.2 Surfactant‐Assisted Epitaxy
8 Doping, Diffusion, and Contacts
8.1 Doping of Semiconductors
8.2 Diffusion
8.3 Metal‐Semiconductor Contact
9 Methods of Epitaxy
9.1 Liquid Phase Epitaxy
9.2 Metallorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
9.3 Molecular Beam Epitaxy
10 Special Growth Techniques
10.1 Growth of Buffer Layers
10.2 Atomic Layer Epitaxy and Related Techniques
10.3 Selective‐Area Epitaxy
10.4 Vapor‐Liquid‐Solid Growth
Dr. rer. nat. Udo W. Pohl, professor of experimental physics, studied physics in Aachen and Berlin, Germany, and received his Ph.D. degree in 1988 from the Technical University of Berlin, where he is currently principal investigator in the Institute of Solid State Physics. He is a member of the German Physical Society, participated in international conference committees, and has given keynote addresses at international conferences. Since the early 1990ies he has given lectures on semiconductor physics and epitaxy. In 2009, he was appointed Adjunct Professor of Physics at Technical University of Berlin. He is series editor of Materials Sciences, has authored over 200 journal articles and conference papers, the books Epitaxy of Semiconductors and – together with Prof. Dr. Karl W. Böer – Semiconductor Physics, thirteen book contributions, and patents. His current research interests include physics and epitaxy of semiconductor nanostructures and devices.
The extended and revised edition of this textbook provides essential information for a comprehensive upper-level graduate course on the crystalline growth of semiconductor heterostructures. Heteroepitaxy is the basis of today’s advanced electronic and optoelectronic devices, and it is considered one of the most important fields in materials research and nanotechnology. The book discusses the structural and electronic properties of strained epitaxial layers, the thermodynamics and kinetics of layer growth, and it describes the major growth techniques: metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy, molecular-beam epitaxy, and liquid-phase epitaxy. It also examines in detail cubic and hexagonal semiconductors, strain relaxation by misfit dislocations, strain and confinement effects on electronic states, surface structures, and processes during nucleation and growth. Requiring only minimal knowledge of solid-state physics, it provides natural sciences, materials science and electrical engineering students and their lecturers elementary introductions to the theory and practice of epitaxial growth, supported by references and over 300 detailed illustrations.